Hey Frens...thanks for remembering my birthday! Especially edward, victor, nelson, tim, susan, mag, yufen, bernard, jac, qinghuan, adrian, jeremy, vincent and ken who sent me their well wishes. Hehe. Had quite a frantic morning, trying to rush out my work before I take my half day leave. My buddy tim who took half day leave to entertain me! Of course he got his reward for doing so....haha. Free movie and dinner!
Went to watch "The Departed". Had quite high expectations for this show but ended up slightly disappointed. Not that its bad, maybe its just not good enough. Or maybe the original Infernal Affairs is just too hard to top. Personally, I thought the movie was too draggy, often out of focus and tries too hard. Too much emphasis on Jack Nicholson when the main characters should be Leo and Matt damon. They did not play on the interesting relationship between these two characters like the original, in fact in this version, the two didnt cross path until the very end. Who could forget the moment in the original where tony leung was kicked out of police school and he looked back at Andy lau who was in the squad. Sadly, the US version did not capture any of that. The ending was also kinda unnecessary. They should have just left it like the original. Oh well...a good effort though.

Went to Tim's favorite wanton mee stall at Paradiz after the movie. Although this was my third time there, it was the first time I thought the mee actually tasted good. Hahaha, maybe i was too hungry.

Every year, I have the practice of buying something for myself on my birthday. Last year I bought a pair of jeans. This year I bought a pair of shoes...

The day passed by so quickly....I am officially 26..feels kinda old. The big thirty is just four years away..OMG.