Read the cover story on 8 days last week..."50 things that annoy us" I couldnt agree more with I decided to come up with my own list......
1. People who stopped at the end of the escalator deciding where to go. Just walk on you moron. There are tons of people behind you, inconsiderate idiot. Same goes for people who walk into the MRT train and stop right at the door.
2. People who give out flyers. Please spare a thought for the trees. Nobody is really interested in what you are giving out. It will most probably end up in the dustbin 5 minutes after you hand it out.
3. People who ask you to stop for a survey. Enough already! Every weekend, every mrt many times do you have to ask me how much I spend each month, which bank I put my money in. When I walk past you with my earphones on, doesnt that simply show "DONT TALK TO ME!" ? Why approach me still?
4. Parents who cant shut their kids up in the theatre. If you have kids under 5 yrs old, please go get dvds and watch at home...its cheaper and you probably will annoy less people. Your kids most likely are not interested in the show anyway..and dont even think about explaining to them what just happened even though they asked...
5. The dance floor and the judges. Its a torture...having to watch the trailer during every commercial segment. Especially when it begins with the irritating "em che ah, em che ah..." And those judges....stop trying so hard...especially Wong Lilin..we know you can dance but are you really that good? Do you have to be so mean just for the sake of being mean?
6. Encore telecast of mediacorp shows...Why are they always bringing back horrible shows insisting that they are back by popular demand? Since when was there popular demand? I bet you didnt have enough shows to fill the timeslot so you decided to bring back "Maggi and me". As if the encore telecast of True Files and Missing on Ch 5 are not enough...they have to bring the show back on ch 8 in mandarin and then do an encore telecast again... thats like 4 times!
7. Gurmit Singh and PCK. First season...funny, second season...lame...third season...boring...fourth season...irritating...fifth season... I feel ashamed to be a Singaporean because I dont understand why they made you a Singapore Icon. I am glad they finally decided to axe you and your stupid show but they should axe you completely too...Gurmit Singh, you are so over-rated. You cant even host Singapore Idol properly, you should just hide yourself in those yellow boots.
8. Miss Universe. Why waste money hosting this event every year when you know that the eventual winner will not last more than 5 mins in the actual show against the other contestants. Why waste so much effort when you set the qualifying standard so low. And stop trying to convince us those are really the prettiest girls you can find in Singapore by showing us clips every 15 mins.
9. Bus drivers who like to jam the brakes ever so often...your passengers are trying so hard not to fall everytime you reach a bus-stop or the red lights.
10. My mum. She annoys me on a daily basis...Telling me her life story every day from 1970 - 2007....even though I have already heard them like 1000 times. She even declares she wants to live with me when I get my own apartment! God help me....
11. People who walk into a lift and expect the door to close by itself...well it will eventually..but it wouldnt hurt to press the 'door close' button right?
12. Allan Wu. He cant act, he cant host (watch amazing race asia), he cant speak mandarin properly...why the hell is he still in mediacorp?
13. People who decided to deposit tons of cash into different accounts and then update several bank books at the Cash Deposit Machine.
14. Orchard Cineleisure. For deciding to charge a "BLOCKBUSTER FEE" on this year's crop of summer movies like "Spiderman 3, shrek 3, transformers, pirates of the caribbean...." What the fuck?
15. Hawkers selling bad food. They should try their own food before selling them.