Its been a year plus since I started my first post here. I wonder who have been reading my blog all these at least I know at least got 5 people read. Sometimes I wonder if I am writing to the wall...I mean, my blog or my life is not very interesting to begin with ...but what the heck..even if no one reads, its rather nice for me to keep track of my own memories...
Anyway, my blog title is a little crude...totally not I got that name cos I cant think of anything else..and my fren Tim always say I talk alot of I guess ..why not? Apparently thats a very bad I decided to revamp my blog...and also get rid of that crude little now it is still called
So to those frens out there who still read my blog...thanks for reading such a boring blog....but...keep reading!! Well we are all busy men and women now...not much time to meet if you see my posts, at least you know I am still alive and kicking....and still full of lanjiaowei....sorry. To those not reading my blog....well if you are not reading my blog...I believe I cant say much to you also....
Okay, Chinese New Year coming let me wish you guys a very happy and prosperous Lunar New Year!! Gong Xi Fa Cai!! Cheers!
20 January 2008
星期五,我去看了周杰伦的演唱会。第一次听他唱LIVE,觉得还不错。虽然有时有一点小失误,但还算蛮精彩。那晚可能是他的生日的关系,所以表演也特别HIGH。全场的气氛都被他炒热了。ENCORE 的部分,每个人站起来边跳边唱,超爽!
整个演唱会过得特别快,他唱了蛮多新歌如<不能说的秘密>,<牛仔很忙>,<彩虹>,<本草纲木>,<夜的第七章> ,等等,和一些经典如<安静>,<开不了口>,<双节棍>。可惜<七里香>,<简单爱>, <珊湖海>,<一路向北>,<东风破> 这些歌他竟然没唱!!
整个演唱会过得特别快,他唱了蛮多新歌如<不能说的秘密>,<牛仔很忙>,<彩虹>,<本草纲木>,<夜的第七章> ,等等,和一些经典如<安静>,<开不了口>,<双节棍>。可惜<七里香>,<简单爱>, <珊湖海>,<一路向北>,<东风破> 这些歌他竟然没唱!!
14 January 2008
Tokyo here I come!!!
Woohoo, didnt expect I can go to tokyo this year. I was just planning for taiwan and australia this year. But I was thinking since I am stopping over at tokyo on my way back from New Orleans, I might as well take this opportunity and stay for a few days....and my boss okay my request! lol. Feeling excited. I should start doing research and brush up my long rusty elementary japanese. Tokyo here I come!
其实也没想过要看<料理天王>,可是却应为买了两包PEELFRESH而拿到了免费戏票才决定去看。没抱太大期望反而得到意外的惊喜。好久没看过一部那么好看的戏了。戏里深刻的描绘出不同关系,爷爷与孙子,师傅与徒弟,母亲与儿子,主人与家畜和厨师与料理的关系, 让你深受感动。我没想到人与牛之间也可以建立如此深厚的感情,当男主角因为比赛而不得以要牺牲跟了他多年的牛,那泪留满面的情景,让我无发忘记。其中,男主角乐观面对困难,最后获得料理天王的荣衔也让电影写下完美结局。
05 January 2008
Close encounter with....Zoe Tay!
03 January 2008
New Year Countdown at Ritz Carlton
So happy I get to spend New Year Eve at Ritz Carlton...watching fireworks from above away from the crowd. NICE...Damn I feel like a rich man

The fireworks for the night...It should be much longer but I screwed up the filming of the first part. And those silly people at the back from Ammo Base talk so much crap and make so much noise during the show...irritating.
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