20 February 2008
The passing of Lydia...
I was quite shocked and sad when I saw the news that Lydia Sum aka Fei Fei has passed away. Although its been well known that she has been battling cancer for the past few months, her death still came as a shocking piece of news. I last saw her on TV last november when she received a lifetime achievement award by TVB. She came out on a wheelchair looking half her usual size. It was a rather sad moment and I knew it will not be long. Maybe I was used to seeing her bubbly, loud and happy image on tv. I remember watching her shows when I was young. Though I am not a huge fan, she is still quite a likeable hongkong veteran artiste to me. Her death serves as a reminder how fragile life can be. Only a year back she was perfectly ok, then she discovered she has cancer and then now she is gone. ...sigh...life is so unpredictable.
17 February 2008
Shopping spree
Went for my basic theory evaluation today..hehe..I passed. lol. Going to take the test in March. one step at a time towards my license...

I took bus 187 to BBDC this morning and I cant believe that this kind of bus is still in use. Seriously, after increasing our fare every year, they still dare to let this kind of 1970s bus go on the road. Although they refitted the bus and made it air conditioned...its still a freaking old bus. So poor meh, SMRT?
I took bus 187 to BBDC this morning and I cant believe that this kind of bus is still in use. Seriously, after increasing our fare every year, they still dare to let this kind of 1970s bus go on the road. Although they refitted the bus and made it air conditioned...its still a freaking old bus. So poor meh, SMRT?
11 February 2008
Of nude pics and crazy kaypoh guy
I guess the hottest tabloid news for the past few weeks must be the accidental exposure of edison raunchy sex pics with numerous female celebrities including one of the singer of Twins. Everyday, the newspaper headlines will be about the latest development of this scandal. Actually everybody says those ladies involved are victims..but I dun think so. Seriously, they are old enough to think for themselves. They know what they are doing and they know the consequences when they took those pics. It was just unfortunate they trusted a dimwit like edison who decided to send his laptop for servicing before clearing all these stuff. And as usual our ever so kaypoh Steven Lim from Singapore want to "chap ji kah" in this and made a vomit-inducing video. He really love to hog the lime light man. This guy is insane..why is he still not in woodbridge yet?
A not very Happy Chinese New Year...
My Chinese New Year began with a bang...alot of bang...or maybe it should be "poop". Just after having my reunion dinner and I was happily lying on my bed watching tv, waiting for the year of the Rat to arrive...suddenly fever hit me..then i felt nauseous..then diarhoea..my mum also got the same thing. I couldnt sleep the whole night..then next day went to NUH where they put me on drip. I was thinking, first day of new year go hospital really is "大吉大利" . Hope all the bad luck will go away...GO GO GO!!

Me waiting for the doctor to come
Just something i realised, once every few years, i will happen to go to NUH...and everytime i go there, it looks like a totally different place to me. The interior will be renovated , rooms changed, everything changed...just wondering is it necessary to renovate the hospital every few years..I mean its a waste of money. Shouldnt the money to be put to better use? Or is that the reason why our medical fees keep on increasing?
So basically I spent the first two days of my CNY resting at home watching boring mediacrap TV. Why are we watching re-runs after re-runs of drama, movies, sitcoms even on special holidays like this. Scorpion King? Spiderman? Lucky I have SCV if not I will be bored to death at home.
Went to my boss 50th wedding aniversary dinner at grand shanghai restaurant at Grand Corpthorne Hotel. 50 years, its quite amazing for a marriage to last that long and I really admire them. Sometimes I look at my parents and I wish it ended years ago. Seriously, not that I am 黑心 but they are really unbearable. Sometimes I question why did they even get married. If they tell me they are getting a divorce now, I will be the first person to say "Great! Go ahead!". Which was why I was a little jealous when I was at the dinner...seeing my boss's family...three generation..all looking so happy. Anyway, it was an enjoyable night with good food even though my tummy was still recovering from the trauma it suffered earlier.
After staying home for so many days... I told myself ..I MUST GO OUT !!! so..on sunday i went out on a shopping spree...spent over 600 bucks hehe...on cologne, bag and shoes. Wanted to buy more but the shops were closing already.

My leather bag from Fossil, shoes from Pedro and CK Eternity and Feragamo F.
Just felt like pampering myself...since I just got my bonus. I am normally quite thrifty :-o
Just something i realised, once every few years, i will happen to go to NUH...and everytime i go there, it looks like a totally different place to me. The interior will be renovated , rooms changed, everything changed...just wondering is it necessary to renovate the hospital every few years..I mean its a waste of money. Shouldnt the money to be put to better use? Or is that the reason why our medical fees keep on increasing?
So basically I spent the first two days of my CNY resting at home watching boring mediacrap TV. Why are we watching re-runs after re-runs of drama, movies, sitcoms even on special holidays like this. Scorpion King? Spiderman? Lucky I have SCV if not I will be bored to death at home.
Went to my boss 50th wedding aniversary dinner at grand shanghai restaurant at Grand Corpthorne Hotel. 50 years, its quite amazing for a marriage to last that long and I really admire them. Sometimes I look at my parents and I wish it ended years ago. Seriously, not that I am 黑心 but they are really unbearable. Sometimes I question why did they even get married. If they tell me they are getting a divorce now, I will be the first person to say "Great! Go ahead!". Which was why I was a little jealous when I was at the dinner...seeing my boss's family...three generation..all looking so happy. Anyway, it was an enjoyable night with good food even though my tummy was still recovering from the trauma it suffered earlier.
After staying home for so many days... I told myself ..I MUST GO OUT !!! so..on sunday i went out on a shopping spree...spent over 600 bucks hehe...on cologne, bag and shoes. Wanted to buy more but the shops were closing already.

My leather bag from Fossil, shoes from Pedro and CK Eternity and Feragamo F.
Just felt like pampering myself...since I just got my bonus. I am normally quite thrifty :-o
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