Ten years, so many things have changed. From a 20 year old NS boy to a 29 year old working adult. During these 10 years, 4 years of tertiary education and 4 years of working life, I have grown in many ways...for better or worse, I do not know. Still learning to adapt, to fit in, to be more capable, more independent, and to be a better person.
So many things changed around us..
From owning a simple nokia phone to getting the cool iphone. Zoe Tay / Fann Wong era have passed, replaced by the so called 7 princesses era. Faye Wong /Sammi Cheng are no longer popular..replaced by Jay Chou, Jolin and Stefanie Sun. The park beside Orchard Mrt have become a mall. The Star Wars prequel came to an end, thankfully. Spiderman, Transformers took the world by storm. I watched the three kids grow up in the Harry Potter movies. I bought my last Harry Potter novel. From Friendster to Facebook to Twitter. Singapore River is now a fresh water lake. Gambling in a casino in Singapore will soon become a reality. From a CRT Television to Plasma, to LCD to LED Tvs. My Discman gave way to the ipod. I no longer needs to develop the photographs I took.
So many things have happened these 10 years, some have a direct impact on me, some not that much...looking back, these are the things that made an impression..
January 15 2001.. I moved from my home of 20 years in Clementi to my new apartment in Boon Lay.
September 11 2001..I dont think anyone can forget this day. I remembered watching it on TV as it unfolds.
October 12 2002.. My birthday. I remember sitting alone at the esplanade, anxiously waiting for the official opening fireworks performance. It was a great show, perhaps the best fireworks display Singaporean will ever witness. On this very day, in Bali, 20 people were killed by suicide bombing.
February 29 2004.. The year Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Swept all 11 Oscars it was nominated for. I like the series and was happy it was honored.
December 26 2004..Asian Tsunami. I learnt about tsunami when I was in school but I only fully understand the power of it on this day. The fury of nature unleashed in an instant..250,000 lives lost.
July 12 2005..My graduation. After four years of hardwork, I finally got my degree. The start of my working life.
June 16 2007..My first USA trip. Stepping out of Singapore, flew to the other side of the world to see places I have been seeing only on television. Las Vegas, Hollywood, Statue of Liberty..all came to life in front of my eyes.
July 4 2007 ..Transformers, The Movie. Watching my favorite childhood cartoon characters come to life on this day was an exciting experience for me.
January 22 2008.. Death of a great talent..Heath Ledger. Was shocked to learn about his death. So young, so sudden. Totally blown away by his performance in The Dark Knight later in the year. He totally deserved the Oscar.
February 27 2008.. Escape of Mas Selamat..Made a joke out of the Singapore internal security force.
August 8 2008.. Beijing Olympics. The most anticipated sporting event in 2008. Beijing put up a fantastic show during the opening ceremony. Singapore got their second olympic medal in 48 years..woohoo!
January 20 2009.. First black American president assumed office. A milestone in the history of America.
June 25 2009.. Michael Jackson departed. Never been a fan of him. Always thought of him as a weirdo. However, he is still undeniably the King of Pop and his achievements cannot be ignored.
December 18 2009.. Avatar, the most anticipated movie of 2009. From one of my favorite director, James Cameron, this movie is the IT movie. It totally lived up to the expectations.
2010..Looking forward to the opening of the integrated resorts and the circle line, World Cup 2010 and Singapore Youth Olympics Games.