After weeks of procrastination and asking around for people to go sentosa with me, I finally decided to go there on my own. I know its kinda dumb but its better than rotting at home. It makes me wonder why all my frens are so "unsporty" none of them are interested in a game of beach volley. Anyhow, I wanted to get a tan for a long time cos I am looking so fair recently its freaky. So I went to sentosa alone, lied down on the beach while everyone else is either playing beach volleyball, swimming or playing frisbee.

Once in a while, I attracted strange glances from passerby like...why is this person lying there alone? But isnt the beach for people to lie around and get a tan?

So I just stayed there for two hrs, looking up once in a while hoping that those people who walk their dog past me will not let their dog pee on me. After 2 uneventful hours, I decided to leave. While on the bus, I noticed all the construction going on. The new LRT tracks, the new stations, a new theatre at the beach. Quite excited to visit again when its all done to try out the new LRT and also visit VIVOCITY! Hopefully I wont be alone again.
After that I went to Orchard to get my ipod nano with my fren. We were at the "try out" station and my fren who was too eager to reach for one ipod on display, grab one that was being used by an Ang moh standing there. My fren apologised and that fucking Ang moh stared at him like he just murdered his mother! Whats his problem? I mean its not even your ipod in the first place, fucker! I always thought Ang mohs are very frenly people with good manners, guess I just met one who totally destroyed my perception of them. I tot that was bad enough, but on my way home, I realised my face is as red as a roasted pig!...OMG, damnit I got sunburnt again! Every single time! Why doesnt it happen to those people who play volleyball everyweek there. Man, I was there for only 2 hours! Hope by tomorrow, it will be better.