Our 2nd last day in Hong Kong...before we went to Disneyland, we went hiking...lol..Gary brought us in search of the famous dim sum restaurant at central...we got a little lost and just kept climbing stairs...We got to this place called Mid Level Escalator...quite a funny name but its quite appropriate...there were lots of escalators that bring you to the the mid level of the Peak....

The funny thing was the escalator only serve the downward direction!!! #@@# Hello, dont you know its harder to go up against gravity?! And its not just a few flight of stairs...it was freaking lots of flights of stairs!!

By the time I reached here, I could feel my asthma which I have got rid of many years ago creeping back. The best thing was...after climbing up all the way up there, a kind auntie told us the place we were looking for was located below...*faint* so we took the escalator down...

By the time we reached the dim sum place I already jia ba liao...lol. The trip down was quite interesting though...I get to see the aunties do their early morning marketing...

Its difficult to find meat seller hanging up the meat like that in Singapore nowadays...they still do that the old fashioned way in Hong Kong...

I passed by this ah mah selling vegetables by the street...but she was sleeping....so kelian..
After that we took the train down to Disneyland....I was seriously quite disappointed after I reached there...its not as fantastic as I thought it would be...am I too old for this? I dont know...maybe its just too small and there was nothing exciting to do there. The rides were very short and kiddish. Fear factor =0. Should have went to Ocean Park instead..but there were still a few highlights in Disneyland...like the Lion King Show...quite interesting.......although it felt quite weird to have a guy dressed in some funny costume telling us that he is the lion king ...Simba.. I was half expecting a real cub....

The show brought back some memories...I remember The Lion King was the last movie my mum brought me and my brother to watch in the theater...it was my favorite movie then..I even drew a huge poster of Lion King...those were the days...
A surprise awaited us when we came out of the theater....Ms Beauty...from Beauty and the Beast...She is really beautiful..almost unreal. She looks like a porcelain doll from far...just like the character in the movie...damn the dress was too "pom" if not I would have stood much closer for the photo.

Then I saw this cinderella carousel...hmm. I dont remember cinderella had a carousel or been on one.. I thought she did housework and went to the ball thats it?

Anyhow, I never been on a carousel before so I wanted to sit on the horse and enjoy the ride...my virgin ride on the carousel at the age of 26...how sad...

The second highlight of disney is the parade!! All the disney characters came out in full force...almost. ..We were all waiting for the Disney Si Da Mei Nu (Snow white, Ms Beauty, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella) to come out....but damn I stood at a place where I could only see Snow white...Cinderella was on the other side and Sleeping Beauty was at the top...sianzz

At least I got the 7 dwarves up close and personal..

After that we got nothing to do but wait...wait for the finale...fireworks at 715pm.. so we went around taking photos with the cartoon characters...

I dont really like Mickey mouse...but since I was there, and he is the "Zu Jiao" of Disney..must give him face...

My favorite character is actually Donald duck!! So cute!! hahaha, before I got to take this photo, they told me to wait for 5 mins and Donald and Daisy went to some place ...I guess its toilet break...haha

After a long day....we finally got we were waiting for...the amazing fireworks display....
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