24 August 2008

Beijing Olympics 2008

After 17 days of competition, Beijing Olympics is coming to an end tonite. 7 years of preparation and its over in 17 days. Looking forward to tonite olympics closing ceremony. I hope it will be as good as the opening ceremony.

More than 900 medals were given out..expectedly China won the most gold this time round. 50 ...i last checked. However, the total number of medals still trails the USA. But in the olympics, its the gold that matters isnt it? Apparently the Americans loves to win so much they decided to put themselves on the number 1 ranking based on total number of medals won. Such arrogance.

Anyway this olympics has a number of high and lows moments and here are some of them which left an impression on me.


The opening ceremony was truly spectacular. China totally won me over with an amazing show that night

After 48 years, Singapore finally won a medal and its another silver medal! A new star is born - Feng Tian Wei, and I think she got much more potential than Li Jiawei to win an olympic medal at the London games. Not to forget Tao Li gave us hope early when she qualified for the finals of the 100m butterfly with the fourth best time!

All time Olympian Michael Phelps fulfilled his promise of winning 8 gold medals and he did it record style.
Quite happy that a number of swimming gold were won by asian this time slowly breaking the dominance of the Americans and Australians. Japan's Kosuke Kitajima kept his throne and 18 year old Park Tae Hwan of Korea won 400m freestyle gold.

Was it sheer coincidence that Singapore and Malaysia win their much awaited medal (both silver) on the same night? Though Lee Chong Wei lost to the formidable Lin Dan, his win is still a much celebrated affair.


Top seed Roger Federer crashed out of the tennis singles early paving the way for Rafael Nadal to win the gold medal and handing over the No. 1 rank to him as well. Must be a terrible year for Federer ...first wimbledon now the olympics. At least he won gold in the mens double.
After 4 years of anticipation, countless endorsement deals and enormous hope for another gold medal from Liu Xiang...he left millions chinese shocked and disappointed when he dropped out without a fight. The look on his face and the thousands of fans out there watching him limped out of the stadium was unforgettable. Whether or not he is faking it, the truth is he has crumpled under immense pressure. We can only hope that he will show everyone that he still has it 4 years later.

In the end, it was still not meant to be. Li Jiawei lost her chance at a individual medal for the second time at the olympics. When I know she was up against the chinese, I know the chances were slim but we all hope for a miracle. But there was none. She was shut out again in 4th place just like in Athens 2004. The only difference is at least she has a silver medal this time.

Hungarian weightlifter stunned the world ...not in a good way when he dislocated his elbow during his attempt to lift 148kg. It was not a sight for the faint hearted but it was broadcast for millions.

Did she or did she not? Yes she did. She said Fuck on national tv. LOL Jade seah while hosting "Today in Beijing" utter the F word on live television. A silly mistake you say but it was not as bad as watching her host the show every night. She cant host for nuts in my opinion and I wonder why Mediacorp put her on that show. Sex appeal? Well now they have it...FUCK.

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