2010 is coming to an end and the line up of movies in 2011 seems quite interesting.
The first is The Green Hornet starring Jay Chou. Haha..he is not the greatest actor and everyone knows his english is cmi..but its his first hollywood film..so kinda curious to find out how its like.

Smurfs!! My childhood cartoon is coming to life in 3D. Enuff said.

Personally Cars was one of my least favorite Pixar films. Not sure why they decided to make a sequel. Anyway its Pixar, so it cant be that bad.

Another movie that went back on its word. The Pirates trilogy thats supposed to have ended with At World's End is back. At least Johnny Depp is back as Captain Jack Sparrow. Pity Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightly is not back with him. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides...May 20th.

Transformers 2 sucks..Hopefully, the third one will redeem itself. Megan Fox is gone. Somehow the title doesnt make much sense..Dark of the Moon?

Last but not least..The final..the real end to the Harry Potter series...The Deathly Hallows Part 2. Havent catch part 1 yet..but I think it looks promising.
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